CyberLink PerfectCam is intended to improve your appearance when you are having online meetings. In this respect, the program works like a virtual camera between the real camera and specific communication software. Fortunately, it supports some of the most widely used conferencing services, such as U Webminar, U Meeting, Google Hangouts and Skype.
The tool could not be more intuitive as there is not much you have to do to start using it. As with other similar software, you will need to specify your preferred video and audio capture devices as well as the intended conferencing tool.
What makes this piece of software special is that it uses face detection algorithms based on artificial intelligence to apply filters that actually improve the way you look on the screen. For instance, it can make your skin seem smoother. Moreover, it can even use makeup, like lipstick, blush, eye liner, eye shadow and eye lashes. Luckily, you do not need to worry much about using the right makeup because the program comes with a set of preset looks, and in case you do not like any of them, you can also create new ones. Another convenient feature is the one that allows you to make the background look blur, which comes in particularly handy when you are working from home and do not want to compromise your privacy. However, it seems to me that this feature needs further development as the results are not always what you would expect. more